Fiber Optical Amplifier EDFA: 1528-1565nm (< 26dBm), 1535-1565nm (< 41dBm)

  • Low Noise
  • High Output Up to 41dBm
  • High Stability
  • High Reliability
  • Customizable

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Agiltron’s Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) is a cost-effective solution for optical signal amplification, utilizing high-reliability semiconductor lasers, Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) components, isolators, and erbium/ytterbium-doped fibers to deliver high power output, gain, low noise, and long operational life. Available in both preamplifier and booster configurations, the EDFA supports polarization-maintaining and random polarization versions with multiple packaging options. It features a compact module with a universal control interface PCB for system integration, as well as a turnkey benchtop model with a computer interface and GUI for laboratory use. A pluggable model with a standardized host rack is available for network deployments. For power levels below 25dBm, the EDFA covers a wavelength range from 1528-1565nm, while for higher power levels, the wavelength range reduces to 1535-1565nm. For longer wavelength needs, L-band amplifiers are recommended.
Special EDFAs are also available for pulse applications with long periods. For EDFAs with a power of less than 26 dBm, a gain flatting filter can be added.
The EDFA operates in ACC (Automatic Current Control) mode, where the pump laser current is user-set and stabilized for constant pumping, and APC (Automatic Power Control) mode, which maintains constant output power even during input fluctuations. Special CC (Constant Current) mode is settable in which the pump laser current is always on regardless of input signal level. Engineered for reliability, the EDFAs are built for over 10 years of operation, featuring high-quality components, advanced thermal management, and rigorous testing to ensure efficiency and performance in demanding environments.


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