Passive Optical Fiber Depolarizer: >1nm Linewidth

  • 750nm to 2000nm
  • DOP < 5%
  • IL < 1dB
  • Fiber Coupler Based
  • Low Loss
  • Low Cost
  • Low Degree of Polarization
  • High Reliability
  • High Power Handling
  • Wide Temperature Operation

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The PFDP Passive Optical Fiber Depolarizer is an all-fiber device that converts polarized input into random polarization output, featuring ultra-fast response, low cost, high power handling, and no electrical power requirements. It employs multiple fiber couplers arranged in series to achieve polarization scrambling, where each coupler introduces changes in polarization due to slight birefringence variations and random phase shifts. The cumulative effect results in complex, non-deterministic polarization changes, effectively scrambling the input light. This versatile method allows optimization of coupling ratio, birefringence, and fiber alignment to depolarize specific types of lasers, making it effective for reducing polarization-dependent loss (PDL) and polarization mode dispersion (PMD) in optical communication systems, preventing artifacts in Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), and ensuring consistent measurements in fiber sensing systems. The device accepts single-mode (SM) or polarization-maintaining (PM) fiber inputs with a single-mode output.
However, it is not suitable for narrow-line lasers like Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) and Distributed Feedback (DFB) lasers, and its design is best suited for large quantity orders, requiring customization to optimize performance for specific laser sources.


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