ASE 1060nm Broadband Light Sources

  • Up to 100mW
  • High Stability
  • High Reliability
  • Low Cost
  • Ease to Use

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This series of ASE (Amplified Spontaneous Emission) light sources is a single-mode light source with a broad emission spectrum and relatively low coherence.  Our unit features precision feedback control to provide high stability for accurate measurement applications. The device is based on rare-earth-doped fibers with a pumping laser that is cooled for longevity.  With the wide availability of doped fibers, we offer fiber optical light sources with a wide range of wavelengths, including 540nm, 850nm, 1300nm, 1480nm, 1550nm, 1610nm, 1900nm, 2000nm, and 2400nm. They are the ideal light sources for FBG sensors, OCT, fiber optic gyroscopes, gas sensors, and fluorescence excitation, as well as for the measurement of optical components.  We produce both modular systems for integration and stand-alone bench-tops for ease of use.

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