How To Measure The Insertion Loss of A Tunable Optical Filter

The filter only works in the specific range, beyond this range extra peaks may show. These peaks can be block with special order.

Please follow these instructions to do an optical insertion loss test:

  1. Connect a broadband fiber-coupled laser source to OSA, sweep one time over the specified range of the tunable filter, then fix the curve in Trace A as reference.
  2. Connect the broadband laser source to the fiberoptic tunable filter fiber as input, then connect the other fiber port of the tunable filter as the output to the OSA.
  3. Set OSA Trace B as ‘write,’ Trace C as ‘Calculate: B-A.’Ā  Auto sweep Trace C from the specific range.Ā Tune the micrometer to shift the peak at a different wavelength.Ā Use ‘Peak search’ to record IL at a different wavelength.”
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